Oncology: An Introduction for Nurses and Healthcare

Oncology: An Introduction for Nurses and Healthcare

Pages: 188

Publisher: Elsevier

Year of Publication: 2023

Author(s) : David O'Halloran

Book Description:

This new book covers the basics of oncology for all practitioners who are likely to provide health care to cancer patients, especially those who do not have an oncology or medical background.

Cancer educator David O’Halloran provides a unique insight by bridging the gap between normal anatomy and what happens when cancer develops. Information is provided using a layered approach, starting with simple concepts of general cancer biology and moving through to more complicated aspects of specific tumour sites and cancer treatment.

Easy to read and follow, Oncology: An Introduction for Nurses & Healthcare Professionals is written in such a way that non-specialist readers will quickly understand complex terminology and concepts, making them relatable and understandable for experienced and junior nurses alike.

