Numinus Wellness Approved by Health Canada for MDMA-Assisted Group Therapy Study

Friday, May 31, 2024

Numinus Wellness, a mental health care company focused on advancing both traditional and innovative behavioral health treatments, with an emphasis on safe, evidence-based psychedelic-assisted therapies, has received approval from Health Canada for its Clinical Trial Application.

This approval enables the company to investigate the feasibility of a group model in MDMA-assisted psychotherapy, involving trainee practitioners as participants.

The objective of the study is to determine the optimal number of therapists needed to effectively conduct MDMA-assisted group therapy sessions.

It also allows eligible trainees to build essential skills by observing experienced therapists during MDMA-assisted psychotherapy sessions and by legally experiencing MDMA themselves in a therapeutic context as healthy research subjects.

"They are thrilled to receive approval for this pioneering study, which will be the first to examine the feasibility of a group therapy model, identify best practices for MDMA group therapy, and contribute to the growing research supporting its safe use.

"With increasing evidence of MDMA's potential benefits for treating severe mental disorders such as PTSD, it is vital for medical professionals to enhance their understanding of its clinical application."

The clinical trial is titled "Phase 1 Exploration of Feasibility and Optimal Therapist Numbers in Group Model MDMA-Assisted Psychotherapy: A Study on Safety, Delivery, and Practitioner Training."

This study could significantly improve therapists' understanding of MDMA's effects, enhance their skills, and lead to better patient outcomes by providing practitioners with crucial insights into various treatment approaches.

"This will be especially important if MDMA treatment for PTSD receives FDA approval, as many patients could benefit from this therapy."
